|| IF YOU MISSED THE STANDARD HEALTH INSURANCE OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD – NO WORRIES! CONTACT ME TODAY TO LEARN HOW YOU MAY STILL QUALIFY FOR A SPECIAL ENROLLMENT PERIOD AND GET HEALTH COVERAGE NOW. || || The Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period is from January 1st to March 31, 2025. This is when individuals already enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan can switch to a different plan or return to Original Medicare. ||



Whether You Have Two or Two Hundred Employees, We Will Find Plans That Fit Your Budget. Call for a Free Quote.

Steve Turner
Insurance Agent & Broker

Do I Need Group Health Insurance?

To attract and retain the best employees for your business, you have to offer “benefits.” Health insurance is the top need for most employee benefits. I can help you find that plan that gives your employees the most health plan benefits within your budget.

Health Plans & Programs

Whether you focus on providing your employees with “high-value” benefits and choices or offering the lowest-priced alternative, we’ve got you covered.

Everyone deserves quality health care that’s affordable. Florida Blue provides value through health solutions that meet many needs. Whether you focus on providing your employees with “high value” benefits and choices or giving the lowest-priced alternative available, we’ve got you covered.  Our end-to-end approach to care and wellness, including a focus on prevention and personal guidance, ensures excellent outcomes for your employees and real demonstrated value for your business.

Our health plans offer:

  • A wide range of in and out-of-network coverage options.
  • Various network choices, from broad open-access networks to smaller, more managed networks.
  • There is a wide range of cost-sharing options, including varying levels of copay, deductible, and coinsurance amounts and combinations.
  • Integrated solutions with various tax-advantaged financial accounts such as Health Savings, Flexible Spending, or Health Reimbursement Accounts.

Our health plans include:

  • Preventive care services such as checkups, routine mammograms, and screenings provided in-network can be covered at no cost.
  • Prescription drug coverage for generic and brand name medications, plus the convenience of mail order.
  • Shopping tools to help your employees understand the quality and cost of medical services or prescription drugs.
  • Personalized nurse coaching and education programs for employees dealing with diabetes, asthma, heart disease, high cholesterol, depression and more.
  • Better You Strides, powered by CaféWell®, is our online wellness program that creates a personalized plan for each employee with recommended healthy living programs and incentives to help them achieve short and long-term health improvement goals and enhance their overall well being. Our online and mobile platform centralizes and organizes resources and information into a single place for employees to access. Resources include health assessments, activity challenges, tracking tools, educational content, incentives, and monthly reports.
  • A 24-hour nurse line for unexpected and ongoing health care questions any time, day or night.
  • This is a free discount program with savings of up to 50% on gym memberships, nutrition programs, personal care products, and specialty products.
  • Pediatric dental and vision coverage is included in many of our plans.
  • A website and mobile apps to provide your employees with easy access to coverage details, health resources, and cost-saving tools.
  • Superior customer service and care consultations by phone and in person at Florida Blue Centers located throughout Florida.

Networks are comprised of independent contracting health care providers.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida offer only the high-deductible health benefit plan for use with the Health Savings Account (HSA). An HSA is an individual’s account to manage with HealthEquity or any qualified financial institution or trustee of their choice. For more information on opening an HSA, the tax advantages, and the critical tax implications of HSAs as used with a high-deductible health benefit plan, please get in touch with a tax advisor or a financial institution.

Florida Blue has entered into an arrangement with Welltok, an independent company, whereby Welltok has agreed to provide Florida Blue members with care decision support services, information, and other services. Florida Blue has entered into this arrangement to provide a value-added service to its members. Please remember that all decisions that require or pertain to independent professional medical/clinical judgment or training or the need for medical services are solely your responsibility and the responsibility of your Physicians and other healthcare Providers. The programs mentioned above are subject to change. CaféWell® and Personal Health Itinerary ® are trademarks of Welltok, Inc.

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Dental Plans & Programs

Choices range from PPO-style and copay options to prepaid plans that work like a Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO).

Dental protection is essential for good oral health and overall health. Choices range from PPO-style and copay options to prepaid plans that work like a Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO). Now that’s something to smile about!

  • A wide range of PPO dental plans allow members to visit any dentist anywhere. These plans emphasize preventive care, provide members access to a national dental network, and allow for in and out-of-network coverage. There are options for larger employers (i.e., 51 or more employees) that pay usual and customary fees for out-of-network care.
  • Lower cost copayment dental plans that provide the value and network coverage of a PPO dental plan with the predictability of copayments for all in-network services.
  • Cost-effective pre-paid dental plans for employers with four or more employees. These plans emphasized regular cleanings and preventive services while providing an extensive network of dentists in Florida.

Networks are comprised of independently contracted dentists. BlueDentalSM plans are offered through Florida Combined Life Insurance Company, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., D/B/A Florida Blue. These companies are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Limitations and exclusions may apply.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., and its affiliate Health Options, Inc., contracts with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to administer Medicare Advantage and Part D Prescription Drug benefits in Florida. These contracts are renewed annually, and availability beyond the end of the current contract year is not guaranteed.

The number of benefits provided depends upon the plan selected, and the premium may vary depending on the chosen benefits.

Networks are comprised of independent contracting health care providers.

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Visions Insurance

Florida Blue offers BlueVision plans so you can offer your employees a valuable benefit at an affordable cost.

Vision care is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Florida Blue offers BlueVision plans so you can offer your employees a valuable benefit at an affordable cost. Choose from six plans. Each plan includes access to a wide selection of frames, eyeglass lenses, and contacts––many of which are fully covered. Plus, a comprehensive annual eye exam that is fully covered after a $10 copayment, if applicable.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., and its affiliate Health Options, Inc., contracts with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to administer Medicare Advantage and Part D Prescription Drug benefits in Florida. These contracts are renewed annually, and availability beyond the end of the current contract year is not guaranteed.

The benefits provided depend upon the plan selected, and the premium may vary with the chosen benefits.

Networks are comprised of independent contracting health care providers.

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Life Insurance

Through our affiliate, Florida Combined Life, we offer LifeEssentialsSM life insurance products with affordable premiums and flexible options designed to provide security and peace of mind.

Life insurance is vital to giving loved ones a secure future if something unexpected happens. Through our affiliate, Florida Combined Life, we offer LifeEssentialsSM life insurance products with affordable premiums and flexible options designed to provide security and peace of mind.

Basic Group Term Life

A term life policy with a death benefit and an accelerated living benefit that pays out 100% to the beneficiary in the event of death regardless of cause and a portion to the insured employee should he or she become terminally ill. This plan includes a waiver of premium in the event the insured employee becomes disabled. There is no buildup of cash value in this plan.

Supplemental Group Term Life

This plan provides additional protection to the Basic Term Life plan. Employees can apply a percentage of their combined Basic and Supplemental Term Life insurance amounts if diagnosed with a terminal condition. Dependent coverage is not available on a supplemental basis.

Voluntary Group Term Life

Voluntary Group Term Life allows employees high amounts of term life insurance protection at a reasonable cost plus accelerated living benefits. In certain circumstances, employees can continue their coverage for themselves and their insured dependents when they change jobs.

Dependent Group Term Life

Dependent Group Term Life insurance gives employees the option of term life for their spouses or unmarried children. This is available for up to 50% of an employee’s Basic Term Life. In a tragedy, benefits are paid regardless of time or cause of death.

Florida Combined Life Insurance Company, Inc., an affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, D/B/A Florida Blue offers life insurance. These companies are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

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Disability Insurance

BlueRestoreSM Disability policies offer employees the peace of mind of knowing they have income protection should a disabling condition keep them out of work.

For an employer benefits package that includes employee disability coverage, look no further than BlueRestoreSM Disability policies. When a disabling condition occurs, your employee(s) may be unable to work. Without employment income, they may struggle to cover their everyday living expenses. BlueRestoreSM Disability policies offer employees the peace of mind of knowing they have income protection should a disabling condition keep them out of work.

  • Short-term disability picks up where sick time leaves off. It replaces a portion of an employee’s income for disabling conditions that require short recovery times. You can choose the amount of time preferred. Three to six months or less is typical in most cases. Benefits are paid weekly.
  • Long-term disability protects an employee’s family income from extended absences due to a disabling long-term condition. You choose the length of benefits and the percentage of income employees will receive during their absence. Benefits are paid monthly.

Voluntary Coverage

We offer voluntary insurance products, including life, worker’s compensation, accident, critical illness, and hospital confinement, to help you protect your employees and their families from the unexpected.


Accident insurance benefits your employee for a loss due to accidental injury. It helps pay for losses or treatments like major diagnostic exams, medical appliances, emergency dental work, etc.

Critical Illness

Critical Illness Insurance delivers lump sum payments to your employees upon the first diagnosis of a covered illness. This insurance protects your employee and their family from the financial impacts that can result from a heart attack, stroke, or cancer.

Hospital Confinement

Hospital Confinement Insurance helps cover the costs associated with hospital stays, such as out-of-pocket deductibles and copays and provides benefits for inpatient expenses.

Voluntary products are provided by USAble Life,  an independent company that operates separately from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., D/B/A Florida Blue. USAble Life does not sell or service Florida Blue products. USAble Life is the insurer and is solely responsible for the Accident, Critical Illness, and Hospital Indemnity products referenced here.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., and its affiliate Health Options, Inc., contracts with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to administer Medicare Advantage and Part D Prescription Drug benefits, in the state of Florida. These contracts are renewed annually, and availability beyond the end of the current contract year is not guaranteed.

The amount of benefits provided depends upon the plan selected and the premium may vary with the amount of benefits selected.

Networks are comprised of independent contracting health care providers.

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How I Can Help You


With flexible plan options at varying levels of coverage, we let you build the plan that works for you and that includes benefits for:

  • Emergency Treatment
  • Hospitalization
  • Dislocations & Fractures
  • Lacerations
  • Burns
  • Rehabilitation
  • 24-hour Coverage / Off the Job Coverage
  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment
  • … and Much More!


Cover yourself, your spouse, and your children at affordable monthly rates.

  • Emergency Treatment
  • Hospitalization
  • Dislocations & Fractures
  • Lacerations
  • Burns
  • Rehabilitation
  • 24-hour Coverage / Off the Job Coverage
  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment
  • … and Much More!


We know how vital accident insurance is for yourself, your family, and your business. That’s why we offer policies that are guaranteed for life.

  • When you purchase a policy, you lock in affordable rates based on your age, and your rates won’t increase due to age.
  • Your policy is guaranteed renewable year after year as long as your monthly premiums are paid on time.
  • … and Much More!


A “Group Health Plan” (GHP) is health insurance offered by an employer, union, or association to its members while they are still working. GHP coverage is based on current employment.

Generally, your business won’t qualify for group coverage if you run it yourself and have no employees or are self-employed. However, you can purchase qualified health coverage through the Marketplace for individuals and families.

Group health insurance has several pros, such as tax advantages, employee familiarity, and the ability to boost retention. However, overall cost and lack of flexibility can be downsides for employers.

Coverage can only be allowed if a group’s premium is paid by the due date or can end retroactively to the last paid premium date. Employees who have individual or family coverage through a state exchange (such as Covered California) could be declined ACA-compliant health insurance under an employer-sponsored plan.

Group health premiums are split between the employer and participating employees. Employees can add family members and dependents to group plans for an additional cost. Enrolled employees pay a monthly premium to maintain medical coverage, generally on a pre-tax basis from their paycheck.

Typically, a temporary employee is not eligible for coverage in a group health policy. Group health policies are usually designed for permanent and full-time employees, including a business owner or partner.

Individual plans offer broader, more personalized coverage and portability, while group plans provide predictable, employer-managed benefits.

Insured members often receive certificates of insurance as proof of coverage. If your company offers group term life insurance, you may be unable to “take it with you” if you change jobs. Employer-provided group term life insurance is not always a portable benefit.

For group health coverage, premiums are calculated for each employee who enrolls in the plan (plus the cost to add a spouse or dependents, if applicable). Then, all of those individual premiums are added together to get the group’s total premium.

HMO plans typically have lower monthly premiums. You can also expect to pay less out of pocket. PPOs tend to have higher monthly premiums in exchange for the flexibility to use providers in and out of the network without a referral. Out-of-pocket medical costs can also run higher with a PPO plan.






















I’m here to take your calls and emails and answer your questions 7 Days a week from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., excluding posted holidays.

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TAMPA, FL 33618

Website: steveturnerinsurancespecialist.com

Email: [email protected]

Phone and Text: +1.813.388.8373

Business Hours:

Monday: 7 am to 8 pm

Tuesday: 7 am to 8 pm

Wednesday: 7 am to 8 pm

Thursday: 7 am to 8 pm

Friday: 7 am to 8 pm

Saturday: 7 am to 8 pm

Sunday: 7 am to 8 pm